Abortion is Absolutely Justified
Do Women Have a Moral Duty to Keep Their Bodies "Ready" for Reproduction at All Times?
Abortion Is Okay Because It’s Their Choice
Hypothetical for PL: A perfect form of birth control
Was this Child a non-Person, then a Person, then a non-Person Again?
She had Sex, So she Forfeits her Right to Self Defense?
Friend is falling into the "divine feminine" rabbit hole
My view as a Pro-lifer
Name 3 books you really enjoyed, and someone else will recommend a book they think you might like based on those
father - daughter movies?
After watching First Omen and Immaculate I'm in the mood for similar films
No, you are not obligated to provide for a born child
Suggestions for movies that fit into these themes/lists
What's the best movie adaptation for a book you have ever seen
Any books that depict the beginning of societal collapse / descent into fascism
pro lifers, why do you think the rights of the fetus should override the rights of the pregnant women?
What 10/10 comedy movie am i missing out on?
If you could erase one song from history, which one would it be and why?
Now, we're opposed to birth control? (which PREVENTS OR REDUCES the need for an abortion)
consent to sex is not consent to pregnancy (unless the women says so)
In honour of Women's History Month, What are your 4 favourite Films by female directors?
If Abortion is Killing, How Did the Victim Die?
Please suggest a Historical Fiction
An objection to The Violinist Argument
Testing the limit of pl's "you did this" argument