How do I healslut In FFXIV?
How do I healslut in FFXIV
How do i healslut in FFXIV
Tanking ultimate content feels incredibly unintuitive (Looking for advice)
Best survivor to “main”/best first survivor to level up?
Today I learned there are paid actors in Deceive
Nightmare Teen Main: A Montage
[POS] Amazing art done by u/geeenyt4278
Slingshot Montage: Extended Edition
I'm new to league (lv 29), and my friend said I should post this play here
Is it possible to make an xbox controller not interact with a specific game?
Can't prevent xbox controller from interacting with two steam games at once
New to val, can anyone explain why I frequently miss most of my shots despite crosshair being on the target?
Getting Stigmas and taking names: A Montage
Anyone have tips on this boss? No matter what I throw at him I always lose
Reggie is maxed
Counterplay? What could I have done other than "don't engage 5 head"
replace monster with AI at this point
Please tell me I'm not the only one who did this room like this
Over This Game
Sad life of a stormtrooper
I made a meme subreddit for VHS!
Be careful not to waste your kill weapon on Wart armor
Always have a backup plan
Match is basically over at this point