محتاج نصيحة الي وصل لمرتب 2000 دولار او 1500
Contract For Hire Work
Wen GGUFs?
Getting back to the EU: from Google Cloud to Self-Hosted EU Infrastructure
The Tesla protests are working
Which is the best, cheapest option for hosting if my website will receive around 20k - 30k transactions in first week?
Women who converted to Islam, why did you do it?
إيجار شقة
Mistrall Small 3.1 released
Best practices for handling third-party API credentials
هنعيش ازاي كدة يرجالة
الرد على شبهة ماهو الدليل أن الله هو الإله الحق
شرب البيبسي يجعلك خنزير منافق، لكن لا مشكلة في شراء المنتجات الصينية المصنوعة من عبيد الأيغور
Storing a phone with no removable battery for long
Any updates about switching to the new bank?
جماعة عندي سؤال
عايز اشتري شقة
ما هو تعريف ال asset ?
[D] Is the deep learning loss curve described by some function?
Your favorite dr 👀
Is it considered rude to offer muslims water during ramadan?
Does anyone have a job which doesn't use LLM/NLP/Computer Vision?
Conclusion: Sesame has shown us a CSM. Then Sesame announced that it would publish... something. Sesame then released a TTS, which they obviously misleadingly and falsely called a CSM. Do I see that correctly?