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Meme exchange
From the guy who got 3 Legend Rares on his first 3 months of playing, here's what I pulled on my 5th month. (No seedtracking, again.) (I'm gonna make this every time I get another Legend rare, if I do.) [Fluff]
[Fluff] Day 3 of trying to make a post saragossa doesn't find
The only vtuber i need
What characters would this be?
[Fluff] Day 2 of trying to make a post saragossa doesn't find
I know you watched 1 of these
Do it.
[Fluff] Day 1 of trying to make a post saragossa doesn't find
blursed horse art
the cat has a shield now, what are your piss coordinates then?
send your last saved photo
What will happends if we fused balrog's torch with greater demon cat's sword [fluff]
Man made a fire sword
[Fan-made] Guys I haven't seen much people making their own cat units so... I have plenty of ideas and here the first one (it's my first post here so please don't judge me)
Anime characters that you would smash
BloxFruit players be like: wAs tHiS a gOod tRaDe?
According to this guy, Yeti is not as good as blade and sand
How W? Ik this isnt an L
Type “I’m going to” and let it autocomplete
Y'all are gonna hate me
What's your name without these letters?
[Discussion] So how important is courier for beating Hannya?
Blox fruits opinion that got you looking like this?