Finally realised why Steven Kruegers face is so familiar!
Discover all the icons of Wolvesville's starting roles! (7/14)
I tagged cursed as jww by accident and..
Coach Ben and Jackie parallel
Lisa Said Something
Where can i see my rose skins?
Werewitch Role
Yellowjackets S03E04- “12 Angry Girls and 1 Drunk Travis” Post-episode Discussion
Woke up to a ban on both my accs😣
What is the sound …
thinking about how
Yellowjackets S03E03- “Them's the Brakes” Episode Discussion
The Aftermath they skipped we all wonder about
Yellowjackets S03E02- “Dislocation” Episode Discussion
Lottie is looking so different this season!!!
Could Jackie have found a role in the wilderness, or was she cooked from the start?
H is so jealous of Tana
What makes you flee?
I never noticed Misty..
Game stuck on this screen and won’t load. What’s going on?
Synchronicity at play
Why Tai didn’t burn the cabin
I hate how no character is hateable
Yellowjackets top four favorites
Fill the gaps!