There’s ivy growing into my house from the outside
Merry Christmas Nerevar, from the Sixth House
Just ..shut..UP
Booking’ It!
Is this the best birthday gift ever?
my new amulet
Got a little distracted painting the right subject.
A Morrowind alchemy themed meal I made for a contest on Patreon!
Hope you have a wonderful retirement❤️
Gestartet Mottowind after Not playing for Years. 15 Hours in the Game and still havent Seen Balmora
Remember when you could do this?
My handmade bestiary and ingredients based on The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. I described the habitat, appearance, alchemical properties and soul size.
Sheogorath and Simon Strong from HOTD have similar vibes
please help me find this game 🤞
King of carrots and blueberries. He eats whatever he finds on the ground. And sometimes he picks a fruit off the bush
Just got this view after leaving the tutorial, there goes my free time..
My Warcraft shelf!
Lich King 3d printed. Wifey is painting
Here's what happens if you access the Slaughterhouse earlier than intended:
my entire collection + tbc ad other diablos i lost
How beautiful
I thought it was time to redo Honningbrew Meadery from a few years ago! 😊
James McAvoy’s obsession!
How do you know which animals you have left?