Favourite PvP footage
What could From Software do next?
Capcom what is this
This is by far the funniest paragraph George has ever written, no contest (Spoilers Extended)
This is cracking me up.
(Spoilers Extended) Swamp Gladiator VS White Knight: How Howland Reed beat Arthur Dayne
Entered a realm where everyone was completely stoned
Is this guy legit? I invaded at SL30 and he took forever to kill compared to usual at this SL.
What are you too old for once you reach 30?
demon prince is the best boss they ever made ong
Hitless RL1 Malenia Playing with One Finger
Invaders make me Quit
ELI5: what is the point of brushing teeth before having breakfast?
My theory on Jon Snow’s true name (Spoilers Main)
Alison Lohman behind the scenes of “Drag Me to Hell” (2009).
Dreaded Waiting List of Doom - please be careful changing your address, guys
Women tend to report greater fatigue than men, yet observers see them as less tired
Presence of Kingsguard at the Battle of the Trident may or may not have ended the rebellion.[Spoilers MAIN]
Why does King’s Landing seem like such a terrible place?
Mouthwashing is one of the most unique and effective horror games I've played in the last few years.
(Spoilers Extended) I just noticed Jaime and Euron are somewhat similar.
George R.R. Martin describing Littlefinger and Varys' relationship [Spoilers Main]
Ask me anything from the world of medicine
Too bad the rumors are fake