Minecraft Donbass
shit is craazy
Попробуй обе и реши на чьей стороне ты
FPV Drones Are Fun
New Russian Mortal Combat has been made, pick your fighter!
Hello! I've been making a list of partisan groups in Russia (and allies) over the last few months, for use on Twitter and Reddit. One of those lists was even shared on Telegram by a partisan movement. I hope you find this useful!
I am still using Windows 7 in 2025
Who are these 3 (wrong answers only)
FILM UA разом з творцями «Конотопська Відьма» почали знімання фільму «Каховський об'єкт». Що думаєте?
ryoji kaji (sergei kazak) - is ukrainian, confirmed
RHS Status Quo Trailer
a modern iPhone UI reimagined with FA glass textures
Netflix unintentionally gave us the perfect casting for live-action Black Lagoon
How it actually happened
Рєбята, де шукати друзів ровесників з схожими інтересами?
People tend to think of Lucy as a Manic Pixie Dream Girl, but she is the exact opposite
"leonardo da vinci of our times" strikes agains
how would u react if turkiye moves here?
[OC] Teacher Osaka and her student
yet another brilliant contraption from the anime department
Where can I watch LOTR with Ukrainian or Russian subtitles?
You can claim ONE province/state from ONE neighbouring country.
If u had to remove one collab which one wld it be ??
Is Anyone Else Getting Tired of Teto 😭
ouch. Ouch. Ouch. Ouch. Ouch. Ouch. Ouch. Ouch. Ouch. Ouch
the anime division is doing swell