Here's some of my photos I have recently taken using custom suits.
I keep hearing this particular "criticism" every time the subject comes up, and I laugh every time.
No matter what you think of "Batman/Catwoman" as a book, you have to admit this Joker is Godtier.
Do you think Felicia steals Peter’s masks and hoodies?
The USA is asking every EU country for eggs, but have they said thank you yet for any eggs received?
What do you think Ivy’s endgame should be?
Thought's on the White Knight Batsuit?
Batman has arguably the most iconic rogues gallery in comics yet adaptations are obsessed with Harley Quinn and Joker why?
What hypocrisy
I just sucked my own dick. AMA
I love wiping these dickbags out any chance I get.
A fool with good intentions is still a fool.
Is Daredevil a masochist or a sadist?
When you see this online:
Logos are getting more minimalistic
Who should Batman’s last villain be before he retires and heals Gotham permanently?
Does anyone know where to read invincible comics online?
What year it is in Arkham city
Yeah well who likes legion anyway
Thermal Sticker Inspired by the NCR
Only 20s kids will remember these starterpack
Since I'm the very first person to suggest her... Alexandra Daddario should play Z
The worst place on Earth
Who You Saving First 😋