Unhinged Rant@ city council meeting 2-4
Trump, Musk, and Vance often make Accusations in a Mirror (AiM). It's a propaganda tactic that hasn't been exposed. Then Jasmine Crockett showed up. And spoke up.
Where do the cool oldsters go to get a drink and hang out?
Should bidets be used in the desert? Or anywhere in a drought?
I think I saw a mountain lion off the Loop last week, now hesitant to return
Can I attract hummingbirds to my balcony with no trees nearby?
Are there any agents in Tucson who help people find rental housing? I can only locate those who facilitate purchases.
Christmasy things to do around the holiday
Boring city?
Why did you pick Tucson?
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October 28, 2024 - Weekly moving to and visiting Tucson questions thread
This beauty stopped by our orange tree today and stayed awhile.
Looking for resources and/or phone apps for Tucson
GF Surprised me with a trip to Mill Falls at the Lake for my birthday. Never been to Winnipesaukee or NH really-what should we do/see while there and what route should we take to get there?
Where’s a good third place in Tucson?
What is something you love about Tucson that you believe is under appreciated?
What is something you love about Phoenix that you believe is under appreciated?
How to make a scared country boy enjoy his first time in NY?
Whatever happened to the New York accent?
Hi - I apologize if it’s obvious, but how do I reverse the cards?
Help me name this good boy
Name him.
Me winning a free beer by stopping the timer at exactly 10 seconds
Portugal vs Italy?