Level 1 "Trees" should be renamed to "Common Trees"
What are your biggest hear me outs from the star wars EU? ill start, Darth Traya
Probably the best-rendered character face I've ever seen in RuneScape. 😲 Why isn't our own character at least this good by default?😢 !Spoiler alert! You won't see it unless you complete the Dead and Buried quest.
Marvel Set to Release Star Wars Legends: The Old Republic Omnibus Vol. 2 on Oct. 21
New Boss Dungeon pitch: “Acheron Beachhead.”
how popular is runescape 3?
What would you like and dislike if Sailing would be our next skill?
With the abundance of Elden Ring's lore and characters, if permitted, which characters would you have liked to have an ending similar to Ranni's? And what's your justification for it?
There's a lot of negative feelings regarding the disney canon, so what are some changes/inclusions that you actually liked?
Is cherry crush just another name for the dr.pepper cherry?
Bring Masterwork Spear of Annihilation to 99 and Mystic Staffs to 50 for consistency
I made an updated overview of all 400 EU (Legends) Action Figures ever made
I would actually prefer to see more MTX events like Sands of Time, over the alternative of TH promos.
New party gathered. I love this game
Risha Is My Favorite Romance
PSA: expect to spend 40-50hrs grinding for sand over the course of 14 days.
How do YOU pronounce Kashyyyk?
Kotor 1 still makes me crazy with available decisions!
Conservatives’ Tesla Rescue Mission Has Its Work Cut Out
Hot take: I really hate The Beach
Gotta love breaking the timeline with "warp"
"I want to say that inverted skillcapes will not come with leagues, we want to bring inverted skillcapes to the main game this year"
Are we due to get more information on what exactly this event is?
I've never focused on a specific build during a KOTOR playthrough. Drop your recommendations for me below!
So uh, I am doing trooper line for the first time. And I reached the Jaxo part. All I can say, is, I have a job to do.