Why was Bravo 3rd platoon led by a Captain instead of a Lieutenant?
Lieutenant Nate Fick, we salute you
Fits lately.
Another dose of insanely pretty men
Brad’s words about women
Brad’s real name
Daily dose of insanely pretty men
Never seen such a collection of insanely attractive men
Met Josh Person at shot show this year
Episode 6 - Stay Frosty
Captain America was an amazing Officer compared to this “Elvis-lookin” mother fucker
How has the series affected your life?
Trombley is terrifying
When you watch it again, you often see things that you didn't notice before
Ray Person SHOT Show Meet and Greet
Outgoing Ambassador Fick - The Wire article
Could the (2017 movie) “The Wall” be a follow up story to the bombing in the beginning of Episode 3 of the (2012 Tv Series) “Generation Kill”?
Walt, Gabe and Rudy
Hands down one of the best TV shows I’ve ever watched
Why in Episode 6…
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Your Favorite Little Moment From Generation Kill