PYRE WARDEN - Turn your D&D party into a pile of ash with this Arcane Juggernaut!
THESEUS' TOME OF LEGENDARY FOES - A guide to slay creatures beyond CR 30!
ARIADNE'S SRD V.1.3 - A 100+ page compendium of our best monsters, spells, player options, expanded ruleset, and much, much more from Ariadne's Codex! FULL DOC IN THE COMMENTS
Better Final Bosses - A Compendium of CR 30 creatures to End your Campaign in Style! Some of these are wild, you have been warned
HARROWGLASS STALKER - Hunt your D&D party with this mirror-jumping aberration!
MIRROR HEAD - Pit your D&D party against the ultimate spellcasting aberration!
STORMWALKER GELD - A High-level hunter NPC and his trusty aberrant mount!
THE CITY OF MIRRORS - Discover the eldritch realm of the King in Yellow!
ACCURSED PENITENT - The worst fate a former-cultist can have in D&D...
PROPHET OF MORRIGAN - Bring down the great curses of Morrigan upon your D&D party with this high-level caster mini-boss!