The Hour of Genuine Reflections is Upon Us: If you are willing, my fellow Redditors, I humbly invite you all to share your sentiments on the character of Ash, the bovine retainer to Lord Askr
Ice skating Edelgard x Ferdinand. Happy late birthday Billy Kametz! (March 22 1987) Art by feliahanakata
Day 22: What Ave Mujica cover song has the best lead guitar?
Making the Next Fire Emblem - Elimination Game - Round 15
Heading to Florida Next Month (St Petersberg, Miami, Key West)
Little Tomori from this weeks Cardfight Vnaguard DivineZ Episode!
Manuela was my first S support, long live the queen of Garreg Mach.
So Far, It Looks Like This Is How The Females Side Of CYL10 Is Going To Go Down
Bro skipped the Bandori lore
A collection of Edelgard and her female partners vs the boar
Honest Thoughts Hours: What are your feelings on…Nótt?
Jedah finds out Sonya won the lottery
So far, we’ve had four sympathetic *main* villains. How do you rank each in terms of how well this was achieved? Who did you like or not like?
10. Give me your headcanons on...
Making the Next Fire Emblem - Elimination Game - Round 11
There is only one truth! (@TORASENBEI)
you'll get your moment sylvain -(art by mee :3)
If modern medicine didn’t exist would you be dead right now? If yes, from what?
after failing her audition, another opportunity arises 「Ave Mujica ⨯ Revue Starlight」
A second orange has hit the BanG Dream
Virgos finding out every other sign thinks they’re patronizing control freaks with no imagination
Modern AU Edeleth be like
Valentia's Missing Heroes (as of Attuned Alm & Rearmed Nuibaba)
*burns fiance in anger*