Just beat ornstein and smough :D
Dusk of Oolacile isn't there?
I wasted the fire keeper soul because I didnt know.
Metal Fusion anime vs manga?
I am going through breakup and i must admit, that dark souls “don’t you dare go hollow” quote is helping me alot.
Any anime sites that actually work?!
Im sorry but recovering from stun is just bullshit.
Would it be immoral to just cheat the black knight sword in ds1?
More flasks and better flasks in ds1?
I just beat Dark Souls 3 and its dlcs after 200h of Elden Ring. Havent finished 1 and havent played 2. Ask me Anything.
How do you rate Odyssey on a scale of 1 to 10?
Finally took the plunge and I’m impressed 👌
Question about the final boss
Ashes of Ariandel camera problem?
Got me some new drip before I beat the game.
Any custom ps5 dualsense controller sites that arent overly expensive?
Where does pickle pees design come from?
Change edge back paddles on pc without dsx?
People who hate Malenia, why?
Should I do Nameless king after I beat the game?
Elden Ring or Bloodborne?
If I block someone on snap, can they still open our chat/old messages?
Can you make a good grappling hook in godot?
What happens when you ring the archdragon peak bell?