DJ name for an Ostomy Techno DJ
Beginner DJs - what do you spend most time on practicing?
Post operative fatigue - exhausted
Played my first real show
How big does your ostomy get?
Why wouldnt DJs use streaming for their gigs?
Abcess drained 10 days ago- still leaking puss
Sleep deprived
Proctectomy pain tips
How do I feel comfortable with my body?
Are you happy? + a few other questions
On the way to my happy ending- a little text I wrote on my facebook- maybe relevant to you?
Stoma noise and mental health?
having surgery in 10 days
Stoma going white on the edges?
Proctectomy surgery - anal pain
Finally got to see Jeff Mills live and I get it. On perhaps the best line up I can expect in the USA too.
Do you have a pre-rave and post-rave ritual?
Has anyone got laparoscopic co2 pain in their lower left back? (Proctocolectomy)
Ileostomy-friendly diet is fattening and unhealthy
Has anyone else been excited for their surgery? (Proctocolectomy)
I tried and I tried, just can't win.
bf got ostomy bag- would love advice!
Raw veggies and fruits with an ileostomy?