What country do you think I come from? (In Europe)
Sunday evening mood 🤪
One year transformation! Many more to go.
M/25/6’3” [185<205] (1.5 years)
Memory Error Crashes
With how few players are fighting the squid, there has to be dozens of us
Europe is just a peninsula of Asia
Who would win this hypothetical war?
Johnny Silverhand was chosen as as horrible person that is loved by fans. Who is a good person on whom the opinions are divided?
Today, February 27th, marks my 27th Birthday! Coincidentally it's also Pokémon Day (hence the Pokéball in my hand)
Thanks for the love last time, Bros. Any suggestions on how I can. Improve my look?
I don't go out much.
will yall be getting into Trench Crusade at all? at least, once it fully launches?
M/24/5’9” [121lbs-165lbs] (4 years) Back edition
M/24/5’9” [121lbs-165lbs] (4 years)
Me waiting for your napalm barrage to end so I can go into the nest and start closing bug holes
Wait.. there are other guns?
For every ten nonsensical sets of House Words, you get one set like this.
Where to spawn in the earth server
Results from asking r/geography what the “real 10 Top” US cities are?
6'3" hovering around 180lbs. Legs and arms still small and belly is getting bigger
Is this a bug? [HD2]
MSI just raised all 5090 prices on their website by 300-400$
Please allow us to easily rearrange our loadout!
ID for fogswept modifier?