$50K, and your Reddit name is now your legal name
what should i delete
Team Lineup for Physgun Fireside Denver LAN?
Stickler Standard
Formula 1. 2025. R01. Australian Grand Prix. Weekend. SkyF1UHD. 2160P
Floatplane down?
Whats the best first item to buy when starting off trading
I'm looking to see if anyone has an extra rainblower they're willing to give out so I can enjoy Pyro more.
lil poster I made #unmuteF2P
UnmuteF2Ps: An Open Letter to Valve from the TF2 Community
Which unusual should I get for Clue Hairdo? Radiant legacy, Lunar lights or Goldstruck?
What is that White Square in my history?
Is TF2 a safe game to return to?
What's your dream Unusual Hat/Effect combo?
Need help with technical issues regarding playing TF2.
Server where i can get help with earning achivements
Why do my friends never use the sharp dresser even though they use the stock knife and love it?
I need some advice
Why do I have to EARN fun in TF2?
"True Quickplay" - community-made servers utilising the new Steam Networking feature
It has taken years, but we are finally there.
Casual Matchmaking directly facilitated the Bot Crisis: here's why.
Can i get ny items back from a scam even tho i couldnt do anything about the scam ?
someone send me a graylien for free. in a trade for nothing. what should i do?
Question - Why is b4nny regarded as "the greatest TF2 player of all time?" by people?