Am I Screwed?
Is this the 1st real photo of the new flagship? found in the reddit comments supposedly from facebook
Ultralight plates. Under 20 minute print and 7g of filament for a 5*5.
IKEA Harvmatta + Eket + Gridfinity
QR codes and bin labelling strategy
Is there a gridfinity generator for a half size bin? Or how to?
Ikea Alex wide drawer base for A1 Mini/Prusa Mini (explanation in comment)
Gridfinity 40mm fan mount
Don’t be like me. Printed a stacked base only in PLA. It’s supposed to be printed in PTEG and PLA so that it can separate. Wasted print.
Modular Kitchenfinity (and more) blocks anyone can use to make custom shapes
2W IR 1064nm laser pinouts
2w 1064nm IR Laser wiring ama
Anyone knows what this is?
Kaizen Foam Gridfinity Inserts?
Wtf... They increased the price 10 times and still selling?
How far will 1 kg get me?
Gridfinity adding texture
Canadians, what happens now if I make an order?
My floor after having my 3d printer for a week not knowing this would happen
Gridfinity stacked warped
New Bambu Cool Plate SuperTack has Launched!
1x1x7 bin uses?
Layering issue only in one corner
A quick stop after some groceries and this ended up in my car… how do I explain this to my wife.