am i winning
How can I motivate myself to actually stick to recovery?
Why are you afraid of being fat? What does it bring up for you? What does gaining weight bring up for you?
What is something your eating disorder has permanently changed in your life?
t-minus 5 days until i leave for res, still not rly hopeful or sure i want recovery but determined to try for him
triggering TikToks
I am a psych nurse. AMA
Grandma ate cake leftovers that were supposed to be mine
Run to walmart!
What’s the rudest thing someone has said or asked you in front of others?
What are some good Ed movies
I have 2 cooking classes this semester and I’m terrified.
What's something you learned during either recovery, therapy / treatment, or deep in your ED that changed the way you see the world?
i just finished "im glad my mom died" and im violently sobbing TW VENT
How do people genuinely restrict when alone? Sorry for rant but need to get it out
i think I'll ask for help
i can’t see my weight loss but others do?
Reading Wintergirls and,,, well
Does anyone else prefer season 2
Need to vent about hospitalization
Are people nicer to you?
have to stay positive..😭😭😭