Български отбор оплака по погрешка свой бивш футболист
Why propaganda artists rarely critize their own country. A point I want to make.
Gathering in North Macedonia.
До "хората", които си изхвърляте боклуците така - защо го правите?
Everybody's part Irish
Новото видео на Цуро .
All hail the one and only , the greatest , the tastiest ....
Добро утро , ето ви едно меме
Average Balkan Person
What happened on Saturday in Serbia wrong answers only
I know people on reddit are addicted to bananas....
7 years until I get my British passport and I don't have to do this anymore
Stan Lee vs Jim Henson was selected as the saddest/most beautiful battle. Now, which is the weirdest battle? And I don't just mean a weird matchup.
Масово ходене по проститутки
Песен за Беге интернета
Новото Видео на Цуро . А вие какво мислите за дискотеките ?
София - действително място или просто масова халюцинация ?
Най-лошо изхарчените ми 50лв
"Големите" бутилки вода в ресторантите
When an American Irishman meets an Irish Irishman
When American Irish meets Irish Irish
American "Irish" when they meet actual Irish
Bro needed to be humbled, but even this was way to much
The three types of plastic ID cards that have been issued in Bulgaria since 1999 . Only the last two are still valid ID .
I mean, last time a nazi tried to invade several countries at the same time it went this way... so why not