I read The Lost Book of Enki and had a talk with ChatGPT
Chat GPT saves us from aliens
Help with water marks on windows
Red Dead Redemption 2 Quotes: What quote starts with D
(the rust) need another pair of eyes on the rust
First Jacket!
Still trying to figure out what to do for a back patch but I love what I have so far!
Trump Turnberry Golf Course in Scotland this morning
The New Syrian Administration is Throwing Barrel Bombs at Alawite Neighborhoods This Time Using Assad's Methods
What is this and how can I get it off ?
The Dark Side of Mercedes Benz (history) and how they tried to clean it and did! As a Mercedes owner/fan are you aware of this and what are your opinions about this matter.
Lmfao ChatGPt 4.5 really doesnt give a shit
If a movie was made based on your sex life, what would the title be?
Please tell me more
Mechanic has had my motorcycle for FOUR months and it’s still not finished
Looking for ships that look star wars or look like ships out of Andor
Star Citizen Solo Piracy - Salvager Clubbing - Drake Vulture - MISC Fortune
Is there any way around this or is my cargo just being wrongfully detained by Rayari Inc?
Bro’s definitely a Sith Lord and pulling all the strings
Thoughts on this ?
This game is fun.
While we wait... Here's a MISC starter ship. Any name suggestions?
Chemtrails confirmed with the path for trail
On the hunt
Freight Manager