Killers how we feeling about new updates?
What would you guys change about Sadako? (Buffs/Nerfs/Reworks)
What is the best sensitivity for controller Oni?
Is strider recommended for trying to learn the Spirit
if nemesis got a single buff for the rest of the time, please let it be more zombies
Matches have been chill again
Need build suggestions/tips please!
I've been sleeping on Singularity
Friend wants huntress nerfed?
"Hug-teching" with the Ghoul
How is Ash here?
1st game 2 syringes, 2nd game 3 syringes, 3rd game 3 syringes, and the 4th game... guess what... 3 syringes... it's like i'm playing vs the same survivors! BUT I'M NOT!!! LOL
Thanataphobia isn't a good perk on Legion anymore, and I want to put down the narrative that it is.
Smartest SoloQ teammates (Heals while sick and gives Plague her power at 4 gens when they had no hooks)
Lethal pursuer should give haste during the initial aura reading
Is plaything any good against better survivors?
What is the most balanced map for survivor and killer?
Good build for Oni? Machine Learning, Erupt, Plaything, ToT
Please stop humoring dbdfloods/skinno
8 months later, what are your thoughts on Shadow of The Erdtree? Did it live up to your expectations?
I found this in one of my schools calculator historys
How many of you guys are actually playing in a 4 man
New Weekly Reset and Rift to Store!