Rest Day Essentials
Life in 2027-2031
8-10ft tall alien humanoid wearing dark one-piece suit and using handheld device.
What happens when we die
8-10ft tall alien humanoid wearing dark one-piece suit, using handheld device
8-10ft tall alien humanoid wearing dark one-piece suit, using handheld device.
The Grid dream
I'm just going to leave this here....
"The drug companies, the food companies, the vaccine companies, they pay us hundreds of millions of dollars a year to hire and keep the reviewers to approve their products" - FDA Executive Officer of Countermeasures Initiative
Malaysia flight 370 victim of Navy black projects ran by Elite cabal involving 3 UAPS
Elite cabal used teleportation/inter-dimensional travel technology on Malaysia Airlines 370
Malaysia flight 370 victim of deep-state ran Navy black projects involving 3 UAPS
Elite cabal used teleportation/inter-dimensional travel technology on Malaysia Airlines flight 370
Whistleblower exposes Deep underground military base (D.U.M.B) in North Carolina