It's been almost 2 years since the Cherry Blossom event, and even then, my eyes were on someone else
The chosen ones
Naga or Tia?
I thought the glock saint memes were....ummmm... memes
"Damn he good"
Yes they are legitimately complaining about this
How to identify a Moran
Tryna be a cowboy heeeeeyaaaah
The average reaction to my last troll post + some of the best comments
The hardcore antiwoke epidemic.
I'm gonna suicide if I don't beat this guy in my next try
Too big.
Who is canonically the most beautiful Nikke?
Nikke secret ending: Raptures victory!!!!!!
Marrying Crow
With the current event story right after Eva, it just highlights how good the storywriters can be if they are able to fully explore and work on their own IP.
Lance is the perfect weapon, change my mind (hammer main btw)
Is the event bugged or is it just me?
How do I beat this guy?
The sound of waves - North Hammamet
Accident grave kelibia