Bro who approved these dances?
Due to popular demand, Nathan Drake has been added. Who next
Shogun X doesn't count as a BOSS
TIL Invisible Woman has one of the best melee cancels in the game
Anyone also ended up getting this one last?
The Acolyte Needs To Be UNCANCELED!
My favorite gun in the game
this mode died way too fast
Why are there a million Spiderman players all of a sudden?
At what point of Batman's life should the new DCU live action Batman film begin?
The balance of this game is insane because you can ask 10 people “Is rocket good?” and get 10 completely different answers
Is there a way to reduce the Ceremonial Tanto' damage to your health?
Why are Invisible Woman players so aggressive?
Is Isshin SS harder with the bell demon?
Since next season might be a Star Wars season what skins would you Star Wars fans like to see?
are they stupid
As a Vangaurd console player I want a rear view mirror button
What Fortnite emotes could be used in a dance party and not be deemed cringe?
Who would win in a death battle? Both fighting to the death
whats the first re game you have ever played?
I'm the only one who thinks that Magneto needs a separate cooldown for self/allies bubbles?
How cooked is bro?
What was so bad about this movie?