Good deal??
I skipped my long run this morning for my marathon plan. How fucked am I?
Running 1:47 max pace down a hill
Duct tape on my heels so I can keep running.
Middle-aged liberal dudes hiking group anyone?
Analyzing Henry B. Eyring’s Paystub
What’s a good training plan for a half half half half half marathon?
Serious question guys, because I'm banned in all the other running subs.
So a couple of years ago, some guy bought one and made it to a house; how cool is that 🤣
My mental health cannot handle the winter
Nike and Adidas aren't good for 5k marathon
Chill place for amazing dessert?
Vote for 25th Street as Best Main Street
“Light up six more” - what audiobook?
Working up to half in May
You know, I do think they'll catch on.
How to stop shitting my pants during 5k Ultras?
CMV: All of us that voted against the current administration should welcome Trumpers that admit to regretting their vote if we want real change.
Paragliding as cross training?
Paragliding the day before marathon?
Why does my FXAIX say 0?
Getting high before going for a run
The final boss of this sub !
3 months no drinking HRV
Everything feels like AI ever since