I'd like to hear about how you use drag-action/shelf apps. Specifically thinking about Dropover and Dropzone, but also Yoink, Dockside, or any others that might apply. I'm specifically curious about automation uses, not just "temporary shelf" usage.
Looking for feedback on our slightly different spin on time tracking using a global hotkey and search
Mietpreise und KVB - warum nicht Laut?
Made the switch from Proton VPN to Mullvad
[27 m] How much of a turnoff are bad teeth? My self-esteem is rock bottom and I hate my smile.
Dead Man’s Switch to put your Mac to sleep
New AirPods Max Bug‼️‼️
Convert couple of hundreds RAW to JPG?
KeyClicker v1.5 is released! This version enhances the experience of simulating the authentic typing sounds of mechanical keyboards and typewriters. You can now set unique sound feedback for specific keys, and there's also support for random sound settings. Additionally, you can choose to mute certa
Mit 28 demenz?
YouTube now blocking Mullvad if you aren't logged into a Google account (only on some videos)
Image compressor?
After months of hard work, my macOS app is nearly ready for release. Get ready, folks! 🚀
Gf told me that she cheated
Freundin will ihren Teil des Urlaubs auf ihren Vater (m65+) umbuchen
I recently landed a job at Stripe and wanted to share the interview prep that worked for me
Apps to replace mindless scrolling with learning?
Kniebeugen, Beinpresse, Hackenschmidt - langer Oberschenkelknochen, fehlende Hüft- und Knöchelmobilität
Mein Tipp an alle die derzeit noch Informatik studieren oder kurz vom Abschluss stehen
[UPDATE] Alterslüge stellt Beziehung auf den Kopf
Nachbar beschwert sich über mein tägliches Duschen und fordert Geld. Was tun?
cmon, sam
Software for work and private projects? Sharable with a partner?
Software um Fotos (50k+) zu verwalten?
I Built an App to Track All My Investments (Stocks & Crypto) in One Place