Starting to think that SEO is just a buzzword at this point
Need help structuring an upcoming video
Reply with a link to your channel for an honest review with feedback!
Debating coining him
Genuinely surprised by what just happened
Let me criticize your Gaming Channels
Making long form content is quite the experience
i have no idea what just happened but i think i enjoyed it
Is it generally better to not say the usernames of people that are joining my stream?
Question about audio while streaming
How much storage should I have for recording gameplay?
Couple of post-game questions
What am I doing wrong? I can't beat moon lord, am I just that bad at the game or is there something I'm missing? All of my accessories are warding, and my weapons are mythical, and I've been using potions. I'm a mage build, playing on expert difficulty.
Need some help with an achievement
Is it worth replacing any of these units with GGT?
Debating whether or not to put Gammas on the team in place of Piccolo even though he’s rainbowed, good idea or no?
Is it better or worse to do this side quest?
Finally got Gogeta and I want to make a movie heroes team with him, is the team I made my best one or are there better options for replacement?
Infinite Wealth was designed to inflict as much emotional damage as possible, I swear
Str gogeta dupe, two phy lr trunks, int lr gohan, ssj3 goku/ssj2 vegeta dupe, two phy metal coolers, a int lr goku dupe, and not one single Gogeta or Broly.
Need some technical help/advice
What is your excuse to play RDR2 again and again?
When is the best point in the game to go for full completion?
What do you feel like are some underutilized points in time to set a movie in?
I was thinking about something earlier, about a line from Infinite Wealth