From Brownell's website. Does anyone know what lower this is? Or adapter.
Update. Back from blueing.
Gen 3 Questions
Best Boots Ever
Go home Brownell's, you're drunk (and hungry, apparently)
If it fits, it sits... Vulture fits in the Polaris!
The Emperor protects.
Small parts help
What cleaners are you all using?
BRN-180 Gen 3 vs BRN-4
Anyone else running BRN-4?
Favorite combat pants? Archery LEAF for me.
Brownells Aluma Hyde
BRN-180S Gen 2.5 shoots minute of barndoor.
Damn Mark I just woke up
Before I keep adding to my collection do I get more Fde or black guns? 🤔
Gen 3 cycling issues
What is this orange runbber thing?
Is this just Karl beeing Karl or what's the lore here?
Is the brn-180 dead??
Am I allowed to post this YouTube video ironically? Tactical Toolbox with Caleb.
Failure to chamber
Why dimples? (BCM 11.5 ELW Upper)
Would yall recommend brownells?