Should ghostface use guns?
What is the biggest dick yall taken?
In your opinion what made Batman The Animated Series so great and memorable?
Which celebrity death during your lifetime that hit you the hardest?
Superman weighs in on the 1988 Presidential candidates!
Be honest, how many times a week do you ejaculate? Whether it's masturbation or sex?
Tupac’s music transcends race and gender
Do you want to see more Janet Van Dyne in the MCU?
In my opinion, THIS is the Batman design aesthetic they should go for in the upcoming James Gunn Batman film.
Is hairy chest turn on or turn off?
Is he taking the win or Nah?
DC x Marvel Amalgam Day 15: Who would you combine with the Atom (Most commented character gets chosen, no one can be chosen twice) (Bruce Banner or Amadeus Choi, which fits better)
Im gonna say this but if you were to improve on the Jokers 2 writing how would you do it? Like you still have to keep it a musical
Jeph Loeb & Tim Sale’s Batman: should we have received a part 3 of their Batman saga?
I’m pretty new to Superman I always hear people say the New 52 Superman was underwhelming. Is it true? The New 52 Superman Action comics
Top 20 Wonder Woman Artists: Day 10
The post Byrne era by Roger Stern & Kerry Gammill’s Superman run
You're trapped on a desert island with my collection and exactly one other batman book. What are you bringing?
Who is the best love interest for Dr Doom?
In honor of International Women’s Day, name your favorite female Superhero!
What is your favourite artistic depiction of Scarlet Witch?
What was the song that sparked your interest in Mariah Carey?
Worst casting choice in the movie is Jason
If you had to give Diana a superheroine best friend, who would you pick?
Catwoman solo movie/MAX Show cast of characters-pick 4!