Did the writers just forget about Judd lol?
I made a special snowflake Tyrell heir who gets a dragon egg. It's still slightly better than making House Flamefyre! kind of!
whats your theory on the identity of Fucko? to me it sounds like a clown name. Fucko the clown was probably supposed to be in the band performance.
Deleted scene from the pilot. Would you have cut this?
The work is mysterious and important
why did they take defence against the dark arts positions at hogwarts even though those teachers always die? are they stupid?
Behind the scenes of the writers coming up with 'and then they walk offscreen' as the ending for multiple characters
gemma is australian so why does she sound american all the time? deep cover lumon conspiracy?
Which one of you is responsible for this
Why was Mr. Drummond about to use the the hard r? Is he racist?
Theory: Radar isn't human, is possibly a goat
I thought this was our guy. It should be
Eric’s Gym Playlist
I asked the 2 million year old ghost in my house to name characters
why does no one ever discuss Graggle S? are they stupid?
Who’s your favorite refiner?
Objective and final severance tier list
Berry DLC is very nice for a free one!
So called “Strategist mains” when they start getting camped by Spider-Man
Harry Potter
THEORY: I think Irving is gay
The Dental Tools
Funniest shizz I've heard in my life
Which tactician are you? QUIZ
Thought Tacticians might appreciate Mista Nassty