Epcot taken in 2021
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Anyone ever experience an empty park?
If emotions had a smell, what would anxiety smell like?
How do you know if you’re ugly as a woman?
How to keep things more organised?
Strange feeling after playing VR for a few days (new user)
A lion pushes her cub without knowing it is water
I said no to her borrowing my tent
Our nanny for the kids takes half/half every other pay period. So far she's ahead with gold going up quite a bit vs. dollars!
If you had to spend a million dollars in an hour or lose all of it, what would you do?
Freezer down
Ups drop off drama
Loblaws removing all of their American alcohol from their shelves.
About *not* telling entities that you’re aware of the fact that you’re dreaming… Excuse me, what?
Sick time question
Just a fun/ random question
Musk pegging video is out 😀. Haven't seen it & don't want to but his ex doing damage control is hilarious 😂
What did you prefer, the old Epcot entrance or the new one?
I panic sold half my shares like a bozo.
I found pics from 2019 but I swear these were the old lights. I have photos that same night with the projection mapping. Is my memory messed up or are these the new lights? Still great magic though!
Who voted for Musk? Not one single American, so why are our politicians enabling this billionaire?
Worried About Being Fired for Being Late to Training at CVS