State of this sub
I can’t stop thinking about this…
Rosnąca w siłę populistyczna "prawica", której podstawowym napędem politycznym jest "walka z marksistowskim lewactwem" to również "nasza" wina.
"Nothing personal, Mark (Jack). It's just good business."
Why is Eve's father written so badly? Even worst characters are given some good/redeeming attributes, but he, for some reason dosen't have any.
Why is my post automatically removed even I don't break any rules?
Dlaczego nie rozumiesz?!
Musk udostępnił szokujący wpis. "Hitler nie zabił milionów ludzi"
Rafał Trzaskowski - "Mężczyźni zarabiają więcej, mimo że kobiety są lepsze..."
We finally did it
Eve's parents are the worst for not wanting her to become a superhero! Also, superhero Eve before her 20th birthday.
Sorry, but how human society have not collapse in Invincible?
Wypowiedź Premiera Donalda Tuska po wystąpieniu w Sejmie RP.
Donald zlituj się, ja już nie nadążam...
Moje zachodnie korpo obchodzi właśnie "equality and inclusion month".
I've conquered everything except one island from 13k development The Command, and I still have around 59 war score and cant take shit. What do I do? (This is just a fricking joke.)
Absurd wojny i kredytu
[KCD2] People misunderstanding why Henry isn't a knight yet.
[KCD2] I saw a post that reminded me just now. I feel kind of bad
Rant - Henry character progression feels...insignificant after the story of [KCD2]
How is it possible that there is so much strenght difference between other Marks and our Mark. They all should be stronger then him
[KCD2] This game needs middle-late game money sink.