happy duck
Why do you think it is important to be aware of politics?
What’s a childhood snack that disappeared but you still think about?
What's the weird thing going on with your body that isn't weird enough to go to the doctor for?
What is happiness for you?
What hobby makes you happy?
Give me a click of karma UwU
What makes you happy before going to sleep?
What is the weirdest place you've had sex?
If you want to get married, why do you want to get married?
why get married?
What is success for you?
What makes you happy?
where there's a will, there's a way?
What is a business model that sounds great in your head but wouldn't work when it comes to applying it?
What makes you happy in the morning?
What is your core value? Freedom, love, friendship, etc.?
What's small thing do poor people notice in middle class houses, that middle class people have no idea marks them as middle class?
What improved your quality of life so much, you wish you did it sooner?
What is something from another culture that you wish more people would adopt?
What are your biggest challenges and frustrations in getting your partner to share the load of chores and domestic responsibilities?
Who did you admire growing up that you're now disappointed by?
What do you do for your significant other because they like it but you don’t necessarily like doing it?