Are Archers nails okay? Is it normal for them to be long like this after a track career? Any advice would be appreciated, never had a dog with long nails.
Any advice for helping my small lawn survive her mad zoomies?
Describe what it's like to have a Greyhound in one picture...
Constant diarrhea in retired racer
Grey has diarrhea due to meds
Do I make a pretty flower girly? 🌸
Please give me some help guys. Our newest greyhound that we've had for over 6 months now will not stop eating poop.
Hunnyboots Rubbing Dew Claw…
Road trip Melbourne to Darwin return - Suggested stops
Dandruff Question
The ears are TOO accurate
When did IKEA sell the Räcke frames? I found this old poster and figure the IKEA frame it's in might help me date it (it has to be late 80s or early 90s). The frame is metal and quite heavy. Thanks!
Big monster Harry has dropped some weight and is a svelte 44kg/97lb!
Where to find winter clothes?
Favourite suburb to drive around in?
Update on Jolene
Vet opinion, owner experiences welcome: Jolene has a serious, and not yet identified infection. (Graphic picture)
Right price for Balinese mask
Black Star Pastry Closing Down
I have the most pill-hating greyhound on the planet
Where to live in regional Victoria?
Has anyone used the hunny boots to help with corns?
Messages not sending despite "sent" feedback
Planning a big road trip in WA, SA and NT. Any suggestion would be appreciated.
IKEA Runnen Deck Tiles - using deck sealer to protect and increase longevity?