How can one numb pain of the internal state of body from physical or external factors?
Mouse sensitivity bug (normal vs bugged)
Your tops civs for a LOTR DLC.
Chests isn't why many spend less in League
What is this statue on Sydney rd?
This season has drained my love of the game. Purely from gameplay, not loot changes.
What completely normal thing tilts you?
I didn't expect it 😭
DAE feel bored of life, now that you're no longer abused?
What’s something in the mental health space that’s been normalized recently that you dislike?
[ Removed by Reddit ]
Honor will soon restrict your ability to use chat/pings/emotes if you don't have at least honor level 3
Who’s y’all’s most FUN champ to play?
Guardian Essential poll: election warning signs for Labor as voters flunk government on housing costs and wages
New survey shows Australians are dissatisfied — but it's not all bad news for the Albanese government
What are the movies in your watchlist that you still haven’t watched?
Labor's term began with promise on the environment. It ends with things worse than ever
Gov clarifies identity checks for social media as law is passed
Gotta draw the line somewhere!
As if I didn't know it already
More than 30 Australian laws changed overnight. Here's what's new
I'm sad to see this community becoming so polarized
What is a more Leftist version of the Red Pill?
Government directs $230 billion Future Fund to invest in housing and green energy
Australian Twitter is basically just a conservative site now.