A Message from your Canadian Neighbours
JFK standing outdoors at his inauguration in 22 degree weather without an overcoat.
Flying from Fredericton
I am ANON 2x Olympic Athlete who has attended Beijing, Pyeongchang and RIO (Official). Ask me anything... even the controversial things
Discussion Thread: 2022 Midterm General Election, Part 9
Protesters urge Pope to rescind Doctrine of Discovery during mass near Quebec City
Attacking cancer patients is cruel and wrong no matter your politics… no matter what kind of anti-science message you’re trying to get over with your base.
Bogdaddy 🤤🤤🤤
In ducking debate, Poilievre speaks volumes about his integrity
Leaders of European countries in 1936 [OC]
BCS taught me that gay people murder and deal drugs. Thank you Vravo Bince for teaching me this.
Better Call Saul finale leak (real)
Hi, I'm Lyle from Los Pollos Hermanos. Gus left his computer open and I thought you guys would find these interesting. Swipe ➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️
BCS but everyone is hooked on Pollos
The Supreme Court just officially overturned roe vs wade. Abortion is now illegal in many states. Vote every single anti choice bastard out of office in November.
New Brunswick NDP leader reluctantly resigns
New Brunswick NDP leader resigns | CBC News
They came. They idled. They left. What have convoy protesters been doing since they went home?
Everyone's talking about how poorly left-wing parties did in the Ontario election, but is anyone else surprised by how poorly non-Conservative right wing parties did?
Conservative leadership hopeful Pierre Poilievre tables bill to ban COVID-19 vaccine mandates
Doug Ford re-elected as Ontario premier with majority government, CTV News declares
MLA tries to take public transit to get to work. It takes 24 hours and costs $250
New Brunswick NDP faces more leadership turmoil
back with another map, anyone know from when this is?
Divorce lawyers of Reddit, what client of yours was so bad, that you personally hoped they wouldn’t get anything in a settlement ?