I'm sorry guys
*HOT TAKE* This moc wasn't that ...hard?
Who would you e6
Show your favorite all time skin
How much crystals do you have and what are you saving for?
Hoyoverse decided to pity me
r/BrawlStars Thief Edgar Giveaway!
Why can I not buy more continues for this specific challenge?
Humans you seeing this ?
You meet your 13 year old self, but you can only tell them 3 words. What do you say and why?
Divorce leads children to the worst places
what situation is completely different if you have an erection?
How long ago... Was this?
Finally! 🙌🏼
This is how it feels sometimes
Why did this map even win... Just why?
I just hit 19,000 trophies and have yet to pull a legendary brawler. Has this happened to any of you? If not, when did you pull your first legendary?
Only using a local phrase or slang, where do you live?
what’s one thing you’re always willing to pay the extra price for?
Is this pleasing to the eyes or what
A true crime indeed.
Frank is a chad
I’ve finally got the SMG4 hat. It also fits pretty well with my season 1 shirt.
Hajime Hinata will be played by Norton Campbell