two engineers sharing a moment
Bonney Lake, Washington Manager Jen is rude and unprofessional
Visualization Tool for IPv6 Address Plan?
Ick ick
burglar broke in after work hours
Rehired with a final?
can i find the ipv4 using my ipv6?
bro needed to introduce himself on kids meal order
"23K Without NAT"?
New CGNAT sandwich
Are we really running out of IPv4? Just use NAT.
Needs Review Comment Still Needs Review
[GA] - Alhambra, CA - Orange Guppies (size varies)
President Trump's Administration Leads Nationwide IPv6 Modernization: Military and Federal Systems Target 80% Transition by End of 2025
Native v6 in Southern California
IF the heavy update drops in 2026 i WILL be buying EVERYONE who comments their dream loadout AND an unusual. (Original got removed on main sub)
If Silksong comes out in 2026, I will buy everyone that comments in here the game AND the platform they play it on
Router Offering Configurable IPv6 LAN/Routing
[FS] - Irvine 92604 - $2 - Goldenback neocardina shrimp
thanks team very cool
[FS] - Los Angeles, CA - $2 - Salvania
[FS] - Los Angeles, CA - $5 - Handful of Floating Salvinia
[FS] - Los Angeles, CA- $5 - Handful of floating Salvinia Minima
[FS] - SoCal - $1+ - PWYW blue neocaridina shrimp