What if I am not able to pay the first-installment advanced payment( 3340 EU)?
What personality trait are you most attracted to?
What does it mean by conditional offer
Where do I check my acceptance letter?
What’s the most awkward public boner you’ve ever seen?
Why do women like men?
What are some habits you have that others might find weird?
What YouTuber do you watch the most?
Gamers, dont say the title of the game, but what game is instantly recognized by one quote?
Let's say that your username is the cause or your death, what will happen to you?
What do you find to be the most attractive body part on yourself?
What car design would someone who has never seen a car before find most attractive?
Should I buy Bauer skates given that I don't play hockey?
Is it okay to feel pressure when sitting in public transport as a man?
Why does my boyfriend like my "smell"?
What is the most embarrasing thing that happened to you in the gym?
Whats a red flag while having sex ?
What’s a food combination that everyone judges you for but you swear is amazing?
What's a small thing that instantly makes you lose respect for someone?
Ladies, do you actually like when a guy approaches you?
What cologne would this guy wear?
What’s something people often overlook that could be fatal in seconds?
What cologne would Bill from Kill Bill wear?
I want to add one last fragrance(for the time being) to my collection. What should it be?