[US, US] [H] Sealed: Fusion Strike, Lost Origin, Surging Sparks Booster Boxes, Bundles, Premium Boxes, Pin Collection, PC ETB Case; Slabs: Alt Arts, Greninja, Espeon Vmax, Umbreon V, Gengar Vmax; Raw, [W] Paypal; Trades
What’s your top chase card/dream card to own?
[US,US] [H] Sealed Pokemon Center Stamp Promos, Pokemon Together, and PRE Stamps. Modern singles - SIR, IR, SR, and more. [W] Paypal FF, maybe trades for Japanese
[US/US] [H] Zapdos PSA 10, Reduced Paldea Evolved Master Set [W] PP, 151 promos
[US, NA] [H] High-Mid End Slabs, Sealed, Binder, PayPal [W] PayPal, Wantlist
Canopy Flooring LVP?
“Trades at XX%” nonsense continues
do you think the Charizard 151 SIR will go up in price?
Will Bitcoin price reclaim $95K before the end of March?
WR250R as first bike?
[US/US] [H] PP, Paldea Evolved Master Set, PSA 9 Slab set [W] PP, 151 HD Swirls
Is it necessary to remove metal before staining garand stock?
I can’t figure out what is on my card or on inside of case… one pic is from the PSA certification website, the others are what I received.
Hank is always threatening to kick his friend's asses but can he actually beat a pissed off Bill?
It’s not fun anymore? I’m just going to buy these 9 raw and close the door on Pokemon.
[US, US] [H] Brilliant Stars BB, Slabs, Trade binder, 151 / PAF RH, Paypal [W] Psyduck want list, Wishlist, Trades Paypal
How do you say it: mult-EYE-ball, mult-IH-ball, or mult-EE-ball?
King of the Hill Series returning in 2025 - still hope for a licensed pinball theme?
Costco Blooming waters 151 pulls
PSA Graded Cert Pic vs What I received from GameStop
[US/US] [H] PP [W] 151 HD Energy Swirls, promos
[US, CA] [H] 151 Hits + Bulk (RH/Holos/Commons), Silver Tempest Hits + Bulk (RH/Holos/Commons), BestBuy Promos. [W] PayPal, LugiaV
[US,US] [H] 151 Hits, Tons of 151 RH, 151 HD Holo Energy [W] Paypal, 151 Blastoise EX 200, Charizard UR 183
[US,US] [H] Eng and Jpn binders. No star Alakazam ex, No rarity blastoise [W] PPFF
[US, NY] (H) 151 , English and Japanese Binders, slabs, Sets - Scarlet & Violet Ex , Triplet Beat . V Star Universe , Ruler of the black flame (W) Paypal , list, Lost Origin TG