Did it worse or better as you got older?
Are you a sprinter or a distance runner?
Does anyone know where I can watch the 2024 full distance races?
Is BrokenHeart technically a valid warrior cat name
People say I sound like a child
what are some assumptions you’d make about my ocs?
Say something that would end you up like this with warrior cats fans
People who say second place is the worst place to be
Let’s talk about our warrior cat fanfics!
What is the stupidest warrior name in the series in your opinion?
Tell me about your disabled ocs?
What’s your biggest fear?
I can see stuff without seeing them
What's something you never understood about the opposite gender?
If my cat oc is a chocolate siamese, and he has babies with a oriental shorthair tortie, what are the kitten outcomes?
So fucking true
(16M) 4 weeks after trying my own method of improving my stutter, i got a girlfriend
What are some goofy names that can be real?
I made a Warrior Cat’s fanfic!
Weekly Fic Showcase - February 28 - March 06
Hello! Just wanted to talk about my fanfic and stuttering representation!
Snowkit's only line ever
Just wanted to talk about my fanfic!
USATF indoor championships thread