The new Switch Axe is 100% pure cinema... also Gold Crown Tempered Arkveld is scary...
Oh my beloved Switch Axe, look at you go!
Would you watch a weapon guide with this sort of display for combos when learning a new weapon? Would love some feedback!
How many times do I have to teach you this lesson, Tigrex?
Are safi weapons good/worth upgrading?
SA defense and other questions.
Did I mistime all three counters in row or do I ALWAYS take damage with SA..?
I am once again asking you to give the most aggressive weapon a try
I based my warden on the battlepass sword, how did I do?
I made a video containing the weaknesses of all current creatures in Enshrouded, I've seen a lot of questions regarding weaknesses/ resistances and maybe this helps somebody out!
which weapon are you going to master in mhwilds? are you going to stick with your main one or are you going to try something new?
Regular zsd is still here though it's a tad janky lol
If you didn’t know, you can counter even the comet attack
Bloody Wyverian Switch Axe Impressions
New Switch Axe Move: Full Release Slash
Regarding Demo wait times
Controlls for the Game
Drip or Dry? Blackstone Elite Lawbringer
Lawbringer mains
Elegant, Clean, Royal
I've never seen a bughole this large... should we be concerned? It wasn't part of a nest or POI...
Even though I felt bad about Rathian I'll never stop loving this weapon
Question regarding playtesting at Gamescom
200h of building my kingdom just in time to expand it with lots of new stuff! Thank you for the best building system EVER!