Off season trade Portland - Lakers
Who has the best potential from here?
Who's your favorite NBA player that analytics love to hate?
Bra premiss, synd att de tappa bollen så hårt.
Which game has the best graphics?
Småbarnsmamma som drömmer om MC-kort, är det försent för mig?
Who’s your favourite player to watch that is not in the NBA Top 75 All-Time?
this tweet pretty much sums up NBA discourse
How good would Ben Simmons be if he played the 70s/80s?
How can we bring this back? #StoptheNBAtanking
If the nba will change its logo now, what will you choose?
Whats the coldest line ever dropped in gaming?
Who is the best player to never win the MVP?
I have a couple hours to kill…drop a comment and I’ll create an image of your username using AI.
How is the MVP even a conversation?
My god, the man’s salary totaled $136,519,285.
Lönesedlar i Sverige
Plugga vidare eller ej/oro för AI
Galen man skriker på mig varje natt.
What’s the Wizards’ off-season strategy and goal for next season?
Finally, I have them all
Hur långt har du till jobbet?
PSA to the newer players for Juggernauts
Hej swedit jag behöver er hjälp.
Is this a cheap shot/hint towards bronny? I found it a little bit funny though. 😅😂