On this day, 376 years ago, King Charles I lost his head. Rest in peace, Charlie.
who was the greatest James Stuart
Which British monarchs represent better their zodiac sign?
Who do you think was the greatest British monarch?
On this day 205 years ago, King George III passed away after nearly 60 years on the throne.
Who was the best Plantagenet monarch in your opinion?
Was David Rizzio the real father of James VI/I
I was so sad
Who was the best Mary?
Who was worse, John, or Richard II?
"Call me, Mary! Queen of Scots!"
English Monarchs That Haven't Appeared in either the original series or the reboot
Who in your opinion are the greatest 5 and worst 5 monarchs in English history?
Which is your favourite Charles II costume?
This seems like an amazing reaction gif I'm just saving it for the right moment to use it
Every Historical Figure who appeared from Series 1 to 5 of Horrible Histories
It's Buzz Aldrin! Not Baz Alldrains! Get it right, Neil!
Every Historical Figure who appeared from Series 1 to 10 of Horrible Histories
Which Monarch Do You Feel Most Sorry For And Why?
Which of Henry VIII's children do you like more and/or find more interesting?
Between Mary II and Anne, which of the Stuart queens do you like more and/or find more interesting?
What’s your favourite Welsh monarch?
Have you ever seen a sketch that makes you want to just die? This is it
Today has been 323 years since William III died of pneumonia after falling from his horse. Rest in peace, Will.
Henry VIII: Now, do your homework! Mary I: I've done it! Henry VIII: Well, do it again! Mary I: So unfair!