i am music
Imma go to bed so should yall good night yalls fuck carti
He's said more words to kai than his kid
it's over it's over it's over
Yall just go to sleep bro sun coming out soon
My respects to kai i would be yelling at that mf
We clowning him but we all wanna be like him
Carti dropped this announcement on ig
generational worldwide crashout
thr gay bisexual vampire got me 20 dollars for free
Did I just play against AI in a champ 3 lobby?
High level personas early game
1 ace 12 seconds.
Weird fortnite tech i accidentally discovered
Did anyone else happen to recieve these crates?
Dreamt about my own gaming setup for as long as I can remember
Honestly Feeling Sad about where this game is at.
I want to get into singleplayer games and MMO's but I always end up going to the same esports games.
Queuing with a 60 mmr difference between my duo and I.
Does anyone else see these channels? What do u think they are testing for freeplay?
What a series by Furia & G2!
can you imagine how big of a meme this would be if their opponents closed the series out
I can't stop playing competitive multiplayer games no matter how much anger they cause me.
I wanna play MMO'S and singleplayer games but I always end up going to the same esports games.