A Super is a Super, but I think they could've picked better for an off-road vehicle...
It’s not a myth..
These days a nigga can't even consume a glizzy in peace (Pause)
What is the deal
What was your first STH?
Michigan assistant basketball coach and players throw objects at a referee after losing a game
Replaced my old boots with the same model, 7 years later.
Willie whoop ass Johnson first black person to beat a klansman
Lucky guy
Guy gives dude the poopoo finger
My motorcycle jacket has a tiny Saint Christopher built in
Turns out the 4th Gen Tacoma front clip bolts up to the 6th Gen 4Runner.
21yr old t-hunt, opening hood!
I don't understand all these different types of greenlight chases lol
to get an applause
JD Vance gets booed by the entire crowd at the Kennedy Center
People over 35, what do you personally spend your expendable income on?
Caught Being A Nerd
She was disrespectful to the store employee. serious mistake
How long did it take you to find your first TH, STH or Chase when you first started collecting?
What casting would you daily drive?
Has anyone else been followed by the police?
What's better than finding a STH in the wild? Finding 2!
Pictures of my Favorite Casting
I did not have to wait another 4-5 years for my second sth:)