Lambchop Disposables…
What's your favorite "quirk" about this breed?
Very accurate
What’s the best way to clean this?
Naming contest…
*NEW* Hytek Disposables 🔥
Exotic Matter March Flower Giveaway
Do you think you can guess the strain and producer?
Trying out North Coast and Frosty Trees rosin
What does this mean?
Saw this in a bathroom today
For the Female Tenders?
To the individual running along Leonard St at about 5:10 pm tonight with the giant trans pride flag strapped to your belt, it was me who honked! In solidarity of course! 🫶🏼
Elon Musk Sieg Heiling during his speech
First time trying EA and highly disappointed :( Taste like Burnt hair
Not terrible for mid resin.
There’s a gated callbox just to EXIT a public street in southwest ranches. How is this legal? I had a delivery and the person didn’t answer so I was stuck inside a community. Then my phone died
I smoked weed for 30 years and then
Just about lost it all
Downtown warning
Close Friends Persy Badder
That good good
Best Rosin Disposable Hardware?
House of Dank delivery is unorganized