rate my team and i’ll rate urs
Just a reminder to do your 83x10!
Why is the griddy the disrespectful emote
Rangers PnP
I'm not worthy for this pack luck..
Did anyone else get insane squad battle rewards today?
What the hell?! I never pack anything from the daily 83x10s etc. Jesus Christ!
Let’s fucking go! 🔥
Umm what..
How to fix AI opponent running back with the ball, every time I press them?
Fantasy FC Trade-In SBC
Half a mill for this dog shit
Im Elite/Div1 and couldn’t even reach Odegaard
Friendlies Cups are the most fun mode right now!
Am I the only one who finds 92 Maradona to be utterly underwhelming?
Road To Maicon: How many Wins y’all got?
Level 40 icon pick
The Level 40 Icon Pick are broken and worth the grind
Yeah, I give up. I’m not cut out for this shit
Fantasy cup
Why have high rated fodder crashed so much?
Rigged comebacks
Sbc storage
I’m ready for some player pick’s requiring commons 😂 still got loads of grassroots grind packs aswell :) how much do yall have stored up ?
Never pack anything good and got Malen the goat